Tuesday 10 April 2018

Horsing around

Looking the part!
My mum is a keen horse rider, so as soon as Harper started showing an interest I think a little light bulb went on in her head and she started looking for little-horse related things.
She found a tiny-tots easter holiday own a pony type of thing for a few hours yesterday, including an egg-hunt on horseback (well, very-little-pony-back), with the hat and boot hire included, and Harper had an amazing time, she had some time grooming a pony, she got taught which brushes were for what, and how to be safe around horses legs which took a good half an hour or so, and then the kids were all helped up onto a pony and walked out on a lead rein to search for chocolate eggs (2 each). Harper enjoyed it so much and has talked non-stop about  riding horses like Nanny ever since.

Grooming Ginger

Patting Star (the tiniest horse for the tiniest kid!)

The grin says it all!

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