Thursday 5 April 2018

Chocolate Overload & Time Travel

Easter Sunday recently means there's been an abundance of chocolate in the house. I mean, even I am sick of the sight of it to be honest and I have the biggest sweet tooth going. It's a lot.
As lovely as having dinner at my Mum's and going to parties all weekend and having the chocolate was at first, the resulting tantrums and grumpy baby after eating chocolate has been... challenging. It all got to be a little bit too exciting for the girls and measures had to be taken. We're not even remotely religious, but it's like a warmer version of Christmas, with chocolate instead of presents at this point, so I just go with it.

So I've hidden it, and instead of giving chocolate sparingly when asked, I've taken to distraction - for example, today, we've learned some Karate which has cheered Harper up and Sylvie has found the banging, crashing and running around. We needed the cheering up because Sylvie was up all night, Daddy's a grump, Mummy had to get up for work at 4am and the only one not affected by the sleeplessness was Harper. A well rested 4-year-old and a tired household is not often a good mix, but we make do!
We're muddling along until the weekend, I've had to have my shift covered at work because the Mr's making a trip down to Devon to visit his parents on a cheer-up mission, so we're going to go exploring, we're going to strap on a carrier, get a bus ticket, take the bike and find something to see, maybe some puddles, maybe some seashells it all depends on the weather! I will wear the biggest out!
With work and tiredness it's difficult to keep up with what's what, even more difficult to capture moments like I used to be able to, so keeping on top of everything right now is a struggle, but as ever, we keep on, the kid's are fed, the family are loved and clothed and cared for and we get on with another day. I thought time with Harper went fast, it feels like someone's doubled the fast forward since having Sylvie, they say the days are long but the years are short, but right now the days flick by in minutes and merge into one.

If I say 'stop the world I want to get off' loud enough do you think time will slow down a bit? It's all getting a bit Doctor Who in our household, because I swear Harper was only born a week ago? How did she turn 4, how is Sylvie nearly 9 months old already?!

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