Tuesday 5 June 2018

Let's turn this brown thumb green...

Avocado sputnik!
I am not a gardener by any means. I've tried, I've failed and quite frankly how I have managed to keep two children relatively healthy and well is beyond me. I can barely even keep a blog going, as you have seen!
However, since my recent avocado pit success (well, it's started to sprout anyway) I've quite fancied growing some more things, hopefully to keep Harper amused at the very least... It hasn't kept her amused so it backfired, but the thought was there.
Tomato plant with real life
actual tomatoes!
So to the garden centre we went and purchased some tomato plant seeds and strawberry plant seeds and they have GROWN! Actual plants that have grown on my windowsill in the kitchen, the tomato plant is even growing some tomatoes at this point, and I am way more excited than anyone else in this house let me tell you!
We also have some garlic planted at the moment and it's starting to grow leaves, and I may or may not have totally cheated and bought a basil plant all ready to go. Harper thought it was awesome that I cooked dinner with it last night though so I'm glad we didn't wait for that one - Harper isn't the only one here with a short attention span  *ahem* I am super happy with the progress, and I'm hoping that there will be strawberries and tomatoes to eat from the plants really soon - maybe then everyone else will show an interest!

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